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70th anniversary 1944-2014. Th


70th anniversary 1944-2014. The Congress of Përmet. The Creation of the Albanian State of People’s Democracy Greeting Message of the Comintern (SH) to our Albanian Section May 22. 2014 Dear comrade Mariglen, dear comrades of the Albanian Section of the Comintern (SH) ! On occasion of the 70th anniversary of the First Anti-Fascist Congress of Permet we send militant greetings to you. We celebrate together with you this day of victory ! We assert that we will fight with you shoulder to shoulder as long as the corrupt fascist-capitalist and anti-democratic state of today's Albania is totally destroyed. On its ruins you will re-build successfully the Second Socialist Albanian State in the spirit of comrade Enver Hoxha. The whole world proletariat and the Albanian people will never forget the great Albanian anti-fascist traditions and heroes with comrade Enver Hoxha at the top. This time, the fascists are not only coming from outside of Albania. This time the fascists are coming also from inside. We are sure that the Albanian people will defeat victoriously both the fascists from outside and inside ! The social-fascists paved the way towards fascism. The social-fascists are those traitors who want socialism in words but they are fascists in deeds. Fascism cannot be defeated without the defeat of the social-fascists, the revisionists, neo-revisionists and the defeat of all the other opportunists ! Capitalism in Albania can only be overthrown on the basis of Stalinism-Hoxhaism ! Together we will remove the inevitability of restoration of capitalism in Albania and all over the world ! Comrade Enver Hoxha taught us and proved in practice historically that fascism will be defeated and that socialism will triumph. Long live the re-construction of the socialist Albania in the spirit of comrade Enver Hoxha ! Long live the 70th anniversary of the Congress of Permit ! Long live the PLA ! Long live comrade Enver Hoxha ! Long live the socialist revolution of Albania ! Long live the socialist world revolution ! Long live the Albanian Section of the Comintern (SH) ! Long live Stalinism-Hoxhaism ! Comintern (SH) Wolfgang Eggers

来自手机贴吧1楼2014-05-25 23:34回复
    亲爱的Mariglen同志, 共产国际阿尔巴尼亚支部的亲爱的同志们 佩尔美特第一次反法西斯国会70周年纪念日的时候,我们送给你们负有战斗性的问候。我们和你一起庆祝胜利的这一天! 我们断言,我们将与你并肩只要今天的阿尔巴尼亚是腐败法西斯资本主义和反民主国家完全要摧毁。在废墟上,你们会成功的重建成功的社会 主义阿尔巴尼亚,在恩维尔·霍查同志的精神状态下。 全世界无产阶级和阿尔巴尼亚人民永远不会忘记这位伟大的阿尔巴尼亚反法西斯传统和英雄以恩维尔·霍查同志在顶端。 这一次,法西斯不仅来自阿尔巴尼亚之外。这一次,法西斯也来自内部。我们确信阿尔巴尼亚人会打败法西斯从外部和内部获胜! 对法西斯主义的社会法西斯铺平了道路。社会法西斯主义者是那些叛徒想要口头上,但他们是法西斯主义的行为! 法西斯主义不能被打败,除非打败社会法西斯主义者、修正主义者,新修正主义者和其他机会主义者! 只能在斯大林主义-霍查主义的基础上推翻资本主义的阿尔巴尼亚! 我们将共同消除恢复资本主义的必然性在阿尔巴尼亚和世界各地! 恩维尔·霍查同志教导我们,在实践中证明历史上打败法西斯主义,社 会主义将会胜利。 重建社 会主义万岁阿尔巴尼亚同志的精神恩维尔·霍查! 佩尔美特国会70周年万岁! 阿尔巴尼亚劳动党万岁! 恩维尔-霍查同志万岁! 阿尔巴尼亚的社会主义革 命万岁! 社会主义世界革 命万岁! 共 产国际的阿尔巴尼亚支部万岁! 斯大林霍 查主义万岁! 共 产国际(斯大林霍查主义) 沃尔夫冈•艾格斯

    来自手机贴吧2楼2014-05-25 23:42