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1楼2014-05-24 08:57回复
    My name is Robert “sivHD” from Eindhoven, i run a gaming content creation company, called siv industries, focusing on entertainment for gamers worldwide.I've lived in Eindhoven, where I started, and still i'm here today.
    How did your youtube career start?
    um,long time ago, i think it's about 3years ago, maybe more maybe less, I just felt like making a vedio for my favorite game that I was playing a lot league of legends.And it was concieved so extremely well.Well, i got motivated to make more and more , until i had such big viewerbase that i could make a living(outerfoot) i am doing right now.My long-term goal and it's actually not that long of a term goal is that with more people you can make more content, and i can make sure that we have three people making quality content for everyone instead of just me. And that's a lot more fun and it gets me the opportunity to go a plan which is also a lot of fun to me.

    IP属地:上海2楼2014-05-31 14:48
      my name is Kelsie, i am 25, and i come from vancouver canada.I don't know, i gruaduated in december and started working full-time () call center ,so it was kinda interesting, and siv or Robert contacted me, and ..kinda went from there. One day i was streaming and suddenly my child going crazy said siv hd siv hd, i didn't really know what was going on, yea next day i knew he was contacting me tell me about this opportunity with siv industries. somehow, he wanted to bring me and mummie out here and.. uh, yeah,i saw a lot of potential and that's pretty much how it does start off.
      My name is Hans Bjerham Albertsson,i come from sweden gothenburg. I'm 23 years old , I used to be a pro-gamer from millennium.but now i'm streamer and youtuber. I met siv through the mid player (tabs) doctor pro player who also played for millennium. We were going to IEM world championships, hangover, to play, and siv also wanted to go in there, with tabs, and also to do a bit of meeting greet with fans.
      Tabs是什么东西?挺起来就是tabs/taps。 另外一处是meeting grid/greet, 听起来是grid,应该作greet

      IP属地:上海3楼2014-05-31 15:10
        A lot of people think it's the best job in the world, and in a lot of rate, they are absolutely right, because it can be emotionally extremely rewarding. But is also just as emotional in the auto direction is something that almost all youtuber i spoke to shares, that i think the best way to explain it is feels simply can't make enough vedios for your audience to be satisfied,they will always want ,you know ,more good content. It pretty much feels like you're at school and your homework is always overdue. and you are not giving it to only one ,you are giving it to a hunred thousand teachers, a lot which will say whatever you make sucks. They will say it ,words that teacher would get fired for if they use them. It is a struggle sometimes(分辨不能i ....mummie and siv) a little bit more creative than me and come up ideas a lot easier, so it's always something in the back of my mind, you know, how much more vedio is mummie gonna get out than know it‘s very (她故意为了不让人听见才说这么含糊的吧) moving was definately an interesting situation i was definately more stressed than anything. but as soon as i got on my flight and came over ,it's worth anything.I think the people here are awesome , everyone's very very friendly and surprising enough most people know how to speak english, so it's not too bad of a transition from canada. the only thing i miss about canada is my friends and family, but apart from that i'm kinda creating my own.....

        IP属地:上海4楼2014-05-31 15:47
          here, so it's awesome.

          IP属地:上海5楼2014-06-01 13:22

            6楼2014-06-01 23:40
              after i met siv, we played a lot online, we were hur...bros from the start. we played ...(tons) and eventually he wanted me to be in one of his was stack brothers and it was a funny video.Eventually he offered me to move here..and work with him. he offered me a job,to come here ,to live here in Eindhoven and stream and do utube vedios and it's been amazing i love it

              IP属地:上海7楼2014-06-25 12:35

                来自Android客户端8楼2014-07-05 23:18

                  IP属地:广东来自Android客户端9楼2014-07-28 18:21
                    先马克 辛苦了

                    IP属地:贵州来自Android客户端10楼2014-08-10 05:01

                      来自Android客户端11楼2015-07-08 14:47

                        来自Android客户端12楼2015-09-28 11:45