人在塔在!(出场语音) The scoundrels will pay! 恶人终有恶报! Summon me, and you'll like the way you look, I Garen-tee it! Get it? 召唤师,你们所说的“连滚键盘”是什么意思? Let's end this quickly, I need to use the little soldier's room. 快点儿结束吧,我头有点儿转晕了…… Forge onward! 勇往直前! For Demacia! 德玛西亚万岁! In the king's name! 国王万岁! I bring justice! 正义与我同在! Without delay! 刻不容缓! At your service! 愿意为您效劳! Fear not, I'm coming! 别怕,我来了! To protect our land! 保家卫国! I stand ready! 我准备好了! Come forth, you will find honor in death! 放马过来吧,你会死的很光荣的!