身为挽之天成 As the pull of heaven 兰州之心 楼下之术 The Lanzhou Heart downstairs of surgery 手挽千尊 历经百帖 Handle one thousand after 100 posts 虽未逢败绩 却不被理解 Although not every defeat is not to be understood 常立于三楼之上 Often stand on the 3rd floor above the 沉醉于挽尊之中 Indulge in rolled respect. 故水帖以无任何意义 No decal 则其身…… His body..... 定为大挽尊之术! Defined as the art of the big pull statue去吧!皮卡丘,电死这个家伙! へ /| /\7 ∠_/ / │ / / │ Z _,< / /`ヽ │ ヽ / 〉 Y ` / / イ● 、 ● ⊂⊃〈 / () へ | \〈 >ー 、_ ィ │ // / へ / ノ<| \\ ヽ_ノ (_/ │// 7 |/ >―r ̄ ̄`ー―_
身为挽之天成 As the pull of heaven 兰州之心 楼下之术 The Lanzhou Heart downstairs of surgery 手挽千尊 历经百帖 Handle one thousand after 100 posts 虽未逢败绩 却不被理解 Although not every defeat is not to be understood 常立于三楼之上 Often stand on the 3rd floor above the 沉醉于挽尊之中 Indulge in rolled respect. 故水帖以无任何意义 No decal 则其身…… His body..... 定为大挽尊之术! Defined as the art of the big pull statue去吧!皮卡丘,电死这个家伙! へ /| /\7 ∠_/ / │ / / │ Z _,< / /`ヽ │ ヽ / 〉 Y ` / / イ● 、 ● ⊂⊃〈 / () へ | \〈 >ー 、_ ィ │ // / へ / ノ<| \\ ヽ_ノ (_/ │// 7 |/ >―r ̄ ̄`ー―_
身为挽之天成 As the pull of heaven 兰州之心 楼下之术 The Lanzhou Heart downstairs of surgery 手挽千尊 历经百帖 Handle one thousand after 100 posts 虽未逢败绩 却不被理解 Although not every defeat is not to be understood 常立于三楼之上 Often stand on the 3rd floor above the 沉醉于挽尊之中 Indulge in rolled respect. 故水帖以无任何意义 No decal 则其身…… His body..... 定为大挽尊之术! Defined as the art of the big pull statue去吧!皮卡丘,电死这个家伙! へ /| /\7 ∠_/ / │ / / │ Z _,< / /`ヽ │ ヽ / 〉 Y ` / / イ● 、 ● ⊂⊃〈 / () へ | \〈 >ー 、_ ィ │ // / へ / ノ<| \\ ヽ_ノ (_/ │// 7 |/ >―r ̄ ̄`ー―_
身为挽之天成 As the pull of heaven 兰州之心 楼下之术 The Lanzhou Heart downstairs of surgery 手挽千尊 历经百帖 Handle one thousand after 100 posts 虽未逢败绩 却不被理解 Although not every defeat is not to be understood 常立于三楼之上 Often stand on the 3rd floor above the 沉醉于挽尊之中 Indulge in rolled respect. 故水帖以无任何意义 No decal 则其身…… His body..... 定为大挽尊之术! Defined as the art of the big pull statue去吧!皮卡丘,电死这个家伙! へ /| /\7 ∠_/ / │ / / │ Z _,< / /`ヽ │ ヽ / 〉 Y ` / / イ● 、 ● ⊂⊃〈 / () へ | \〈 >ー 、_ ィ │ // / へ / ノ<| \\ ヽ_ノ (_/ │// 7 |/ >―r ̄ ̄`ー―_
身为挽之天成 As the pull of heaven 兰州之心 楼下之术 The Lanzhou Heart downstairs of surgery 手挽千尊 历经百帖 Handle one thousand after 100 posts 虽未逢败绩 却不被理解 Although not every defeat is not to be understood 常立于三楼之上 Often stand on the 3rd floor above the 沉醉于挽尊之中 Indulge in rolled respect. 故水帖以无任何意义 No decal 则其身…… His body..... 定为大挽尊之术! Defined as the art of the big pull statue去吧!皮卡丘,电死这个家伙! へ /| /\7 ∠_/ / │ / / │ Z _,< / /`ヽ │ ヽ / 〉 Y ` / / イ● 、 ● ⊂⊃〈 / () へ | \〈 >ー 、_ ィ │ // / へ / ノ<| \\ ヽ_ノ (_/ │// 7 |/ >―r ̄ ̄`ー―_