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IP属地:天津来自Android客户端1楼2013-11-16 12:15回复

    IP属地:天津来自Android客户端2楼2013-11-16 12:15
      What is a formal way to introduce yourself?
      What word has the same meaning as “introduce”?
      Which is an example of a tongue twister?
      What is a term that describes talking about unimportant topics, such as the weather?
      True/False: Asking to sit by someone will always begin a conversation.
      Which introduction would you use to introduce your grandfather from out of town to your best friend?
      True/False: Asking about someone’s salary is a polite conversation topic.
      Which unit, when giving directions, does not have an exact value?
      When following the direction, “Turn at the light”, what is “the light”?
      True/False: It is a good idea to give someone directions if you are not sure of the directions yourself.
      Which is not an example of an appointment?
      What does “do lunch” mean?
      Which word/phrase is a better replacement for “so-so”?
      Which is something that someone is most likely to be “crazy about”?
      True/False: When making appointments and meetings, it is a good idea to use less than absolute answers.
      Which is the best phrase to use to disagree with your good friend?
      Does the optimist see the glass half-empty or half full?
      What are the magic words?
      What does it mean if you “do someone a favor”?
      How is “lending a hand” different from other kinds of help?

      来自iPhone客户端4楼2013-11-16 14:45
        What is a formal way to introduce yourself?
        What word has the same meaning as “introduce”?
        Which is an example of a tongue twister?
        What is a term that describes talking about unimportant topics, such as the weather?
        True/False: Asking to sit by someone will always begin a conversation.
        Which introduction would you use to introduce your grandfather from out of town to your best friend?
        True/False: Asking about someone’s salary is a polite conversation topic.
        Which unit, when giving directions, does not have an exact value?
        When following the direction, “Turn at the light”, what is “the light”?
        True/False: It is a good idea to give someone directions if you are not sure of the directions yourself.
        Which is not an example of an appointment?
        What does “do lunch” mean?
        Which word/phrase is a better replacement for “so-so”?
        Which is something that someone is most likely to be “crazy about”?
        True/False: When making appointments and meetings, it is a good idea to use less than absolute answers.
        Which is the best phrase to use to disagree with your good friend?
        Does the optimist see the glass half-empty or half full?
        What are the magic words?
        What does it mean if you “do someone a favor”?
        How is “lending a hand” different from other kinds of help?

        来自iPhone客户端5楼2013-11-16 14:45

          来自Android客户端6楼2013-11-16 16:20