[The scene starts off black.]
Bilbo: “My dear Frodo.”
light a candle. He walks through a hallway in Bag End, carrying the candle.]
Bilbo: “You asked me one once if I had told you everything there was to know about my adventures. And while I can honestly say I have told you the truth, I may not have told you all of it.”
Bilbo: “I am old now, Frodo. I’m not the same Hobbit I once was.”
Bilbo: “I think it is time for you to know what really happened. It began long ago in a land far away to the east, the like of which you will not find in the world today.”
[The camera fades away from Bilbo in his study and begins panning over a map of Middle-earth. We see a city, Dale, full of humans and dwarves walking happily through markets and bazaars.]
Bilbo: “There was the city of Dale. Its markets known far and wide, full of the bounties of vine and vale. Peaceful, and prosperous. For this city lay before the doors of the greatest kingdom in Middle-earth: Erebor. Stronghold of Thror, King under the Mountain, mightiest of the dwarf lords.”
[The scene starts off black.]
Bilbo: “My dear Frodo.”
light a candle. He walks through a hallway in Bag End, carrying the candle.]
Bilbo: “You asked me one once if I had told you everything there was to know about my adventures. And while I can honestly say I have told you the truth, I may not have told you all of it.”
Bilbo: “I am old now, Frodo. I’m not the same Hobbit I once was.”
Bilbo: “I think it is time for you to know what really happened. It began long ago in a land far away to the east, the like of which you will not find in the world today.”
[The camera fades away from Bilbo in his study and begins panning over a map of Middle-earth. We see a city, Dale, full of humans and dwarves walking happily through markets and bazaars.]
Bilbo: “There was the city of Dale. Its markets known far and wide, full of the bounties of vine and vale. Peaceful, and prosperous. For this city lay before the doors of the greatest kingdom in Middle-earth: Erebor. Stronghold of Thror, King under the Mountain, mightiest of the dwarf lords.”