英国女王吧 关注:1,220贴子:4,832
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IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧1楼2013-06-09 00:40回复
    My Lords andMembers of the Houseof Commons,
    I am most gratefulfor your LoyalAddresses and thegenerous words of theLord Speaker and Mr.Speaker.
    This greatinstitution has been atthe heart of the countryand the lives of ourpeople throughout itshistory.AsParliamentarians, youshare with yourforebears afundamental role in thelaws and decisions ofyour own age.Parliament has survivedas an unshakeablecornerstone of ourconstitution and ourway of life.

    IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧2楼2013-06-09 00:42
      History linksmonarchs andParliament, a connectingthread from one periodto the next.So, in an erawhen the regular,worthy rhythm of life isless eye-catching thandoing somethingextraordinary, I amreassured that I ammerely the secondSovereign to celebrate aDiamond Jubilee.
      As today, it wasmy privilege to addressyou during my Silver andGolden Jubilees.Many ofyou were present tenyears ago and some ofyou will recall theoccasion in 1977.

      IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧3楼2013-06-09 00:43
        Sincemy Accession, I havebeen a regular visitor tothe Palace ofWestminster and, atthe last count, have hadthe pleasurable duty oftreating with twelvePrime Ministers.
        Over such a period,one can observe thatthe experience ofvenerable old age can bea mighty guide but not aprerequisite for successin public office.I amtherefore very pleasedto be addressing manyyoungerParliamentarians andalso those bringing sucha wide range ofbackground andexperience to your vital,national work.

        IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧4楼2013-06-09 00:43
          During these yearsas your Queen, thesupport of my familyhas, across thegenerations, beenbeyond measure.PrincePhilip is, I believe, well-known for decliningcompliments of any kind.But throughout he hasbeen a constantstrength and guide.Heand I are very proud andgrateful that The Princeof Wales and othermembers of our familyare travelling on mybehalf in this DiamondJubilee year to visit allthe CommonwealthRealms and a number ofother Commonwealthcountries.

          IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧5楼2013-06-09 00:44
            These overseastours are a reminder ofour close affinity withthe Commonwealth,encompassing aboutone-third of theworld’s population.Myown association withthe Commonwealth hastaught me that themost important contactbetween nations isusually contactbetween its peoples.Anorganisation dedicatedto certain values, theCommonwealth hasflourished and grown bysuccessfully promotingand protecting thatcontact.

            IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧6楼2013-06-09 00:44
              At home, PrincePhilip and I will bevisiting towns and citiesup and down the land.Itis my sincere hope thatthe Diamond Jubilee willbe an opportunity forpeople to cometogether in a spirit ofneighbourliness andcelebration of their owncommunities.
              We also hope tocelebrate theprofessional andvoluntary service givenby millions of peopleacross the country whoare working for thepublic good.They are asource of vital supportto the welfare andwellbeing of others,often unseen oroverlooked.

              IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧7楼2013-06-09 00:46
                And as we reflectupon public service, letus again be mindful ofthe remarkable sacrificeand courage of ourArmed Forces.Muchmay indeed havechanged these pastsixty years but thevalour of those who risktheir lives for thedefence and freedom ofus all remainsundimmed.
                The happyrelationship I haveenjoyed with Parliamenthas extended wellbeyond the more thanthree and a halfthousand Bills I havesigned into law.I amtherefore very touchedby the magnificent giftbefore me, generouslysubscribed by many ofyou.

                IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧8楼2013-06-09 00:46
                  Should thisbeautiful window causejust a little extra colourto shine down upon thisancient place, I shouldgladly settle for that.
                  We are remindedhere of our past, of thecontinuity of ournational story and thevirtues of resilience,ingenuity and tolerancewhich created it.I havebeen privileged towitness some of thathistory and, with thesupport of my family,rededicate myself tothe service of our greatcountry and its peoplenow and in the years tocome.

                  IP属地:江西来自手机贴吧9楼2013-06-09 00:46