"The Vampire Diaries": In "The Originals" backdoor pilot (Episode 20 this season), Klaus will meet the beautiful and intelligent Camille, a psychology student at Tulane in New Orleans. Like Elena before her, Cami is a human, unaware of the "supernatural storm" brewing around her -- but she's certainly intrigued by the darker side of the French Quarter. She'll be particularly drawn to Klaus, because as a smart and curious student, she's intrigued by one question in particular: What makes someone evil? If anyone can answer that, it's our very own Original hybrid. If "The Originals" gets picked up to series, Cami will be a regular cast member. (Also, some good news for you purists -- in addition to Atlanta, we're hearing that some scenes for the episode will actually be shot in New Orleans.
请注意里面的用词 She'll be particularly drawn to Klaus ,是这位Cami姐drawn to老K,单向的好不,又没说是他们In love.
而且看这个精分记者回kc粉的推, 这货又精分了....那精分货说‘没人说【她】是love interest.你们疯了.’ 要我说么 第一 这年头的剧透啥的都最好少信为妙,而且说真的kc那么红,这个关于k的爱情线,猪妈肯定小心处理吧,而且这不是说spin off是关于以前的事情么,这以前的事情咯 能影响kc的现在么。而且得瑟之前说caroline是他千年以来第一个引起他注意的人,噗,k是要精分么跟着这记者... 而且真的就算这小姐对k有啥,也不一定说他们会‘相爱’啊..这个要双方的吧... 而且spin off能不能开播 或者 会不会维持不被砍一切都不知道呢,一切都要看观众的反应呢... 什么都是未知之数 有啥好担心的...
"The Vampire Diaries": In "The Originals" backdoor pilot (Episode 20 this season), Klaus will meet the beautiful and intelligent Camille, a psychology student at Tulane in New Orleans. Like Elena before her, Cami is a human, unaware of the "supernatural storm" brewing around her -- but she's certainly intrigued by the darker side of the French Quarter. She'll be particularly drawn to Klaus, because as a smart and curious student, she's intrigued by one question in particular: What makes someone evil? If anyone can answer that, it's our very own Original hybrid. If "The Originals" gets picked up to series, Cami will be a regular cast member. (Also, some good news for you purists -- in addition to Atlanta, we're hearing that some scenes for the episode will actually be shot in New Orleans.
请注意里面的用词 She'll be particularly drawn to Klaus ,是这位Cami姐drawn to老K,单向的好不,又没说是他们In love.
而且看这个精分记者回kc粉的推, 这货又精分了....那精分货说‘没人说【她】是love interest.你们疯了.’ 要我说么 第一 这年头的剧透啥的都最好少信为妙,而且说真的kc那么红,这个关于k的爱情线,猪妈肯定小心处理吧,而且这不是说spin off是关于以前的事情么,这以前的事情咯 能影响kc的现在么。而且得瑟之前说caroline是他千年以来第一个引起他注意的人,噗,k是要精分么跟着这记者... 而且真的就算这小姐对k有啥,也不一定说他们会‘相爱’啊..这个要双方的吧... 而且spin off能不能开播 或者 会不会维持不被砍一切都不知道呢,一切都要看观众的反应呢... 什么都是未知之数 有啥好担心的...