72293诶我咋怎么不信Ssundee上百度贴吧呢,怎么可能呐,那个冒充Ssundee的出来34210WHERE IS SUNDEE, THE OTHER DAY I SAW A LOT OF UTUBER SUCH AS SANS3不晓得那个外国人怎么样了52216121051I called ur phone liked 10 times and u didn't answered! SO WTF R U DOING HERE27@SSundeeMC What is your twitter ID?I want to pay attention to U. ✎﹏﹏ DODGE_中国是win捣蛋猪(我)的小号 顺便用win捣蛋猪这个号报个时: 2015年07月07日 星期二 19时20分25秒025毫秒37事先声明:在本吧出现的SSundeeMC并非是他本人,只是他的一位好基友,来自美国德州~ 1.积极回帖,积极评论,对每个人搬运来的作品不应持有故意排斥的态度。(毕竟搬运视频是很累的) 2.水帖要有限度,请勿在除水楼外的帖子中发表无意义回复(度娘现在修改过了, 发1个字或15个字获得的经验都一样,区别只在客户端与网页之间)~ 3.可以发布服务器宣传贴,或工作组招人贴但是不能以盈利模式出现,纯粹是为了娱乐~ 4.不可在本吧谩骂他人,4624611I am an International Student that is currently taking high school courses, you are by far my favourite youtube content creator, you are really gorgeous and thanks for all the laughter you gave me! I know that there's lots of pople doubting that your true identity, I dont really care if you are the real or fake Ssundee, haters gonna hate, i just wanna say thank you for bringing all these AWESOME videos to Youku/bilibili so that people in China can enjoy, i hope you dont mind all these people swearing at u just because u might be the fake Ssundee, i hope you stay strong and keep posting the2I want to find out the Herobrine,who can Help me?And you can call me Mr.Death.1512Watch as SSundee finally starts his journey through CRUNDEE CRAFT!! Will he find Gertrude!? Or will Crainer troll him to death before?! Lol, Thanks for watching, I appreciate the support and any ratings would be greatly appreciated also! Sorry for the LATE upload! D: I've been uploading agar.io video for the past few weekz! Hope you all enjoy this video!3541welcmone back, logdotzip here@SSundeeMC