3Wish That I Was There 下载 找了N多个网址,不是部分下载就是付费下载,这年头下首歌还真难,下Hanson的歌更难,哪位高手给个MP3下载地址或者邮箱给
2怀旧的童鞋们看看这个MV吧。。。都还是孩子时的hanson the moffatts gill aaron.....
1Yearbook Dear Amy, see you in September Hope that you remember me next year Hey Jamie, you've been a great friend to me I hope that I'll still see you around here 'Cause I'm looking through the yearbook then I find that empty space There's a name without a picture, but I can't forget his face Tell me where did he go, I want to know Where did Johnny go? It says, "Picture unavailable" right here More than sad, it makes me mad to know somebody knows There's a lying in your silence. Tell me where did Johnny go? Poor Katie, she won't even speak his name None of us will ever be the sa
23我想找一些他的图片 谢谢大家了。02如题,谢谢了。4好听到爆!1如题…真的很喜欢这首歌…71刚买了扫描仪 就把收了N年的轻音乐拿出来扫了一遍 当然只是Hanson的部分 水印做上去才发现忘记改透明度了…… 文字部分被挡住……实在是…… 大家将就就看看呗~ 图放完前请勿插楼~ 谢谢~0不知道以后他们会不会再来中国开演唱会1255哈哈69在“UNDERNEATH”那张CD上面,歌词片上有写:"First of all thanks to our family:Walker, Diana, Natalie,Jessica``````````" To Natalie(you are my heart and soul,Taylor) you are the best wife, mother and sister around. 心情好复杂:伤心,羡慕,安慰```````0谁有他们的联系方式?2I will come to you 的伴奏,谢谢啦。真的是急需。002歌名记不得了。只记得MTV里有HANSON三个在水里唱歌的镜头。找了很久都没找到9现在提他们估计就暴露年龄了。。。不过小时候饭过。。寻找儿时记忆啊。。34如果他把头发染回金色,刮干净胡子,真的除了变得更男人,没啥区别,大家回顾一下现在的哈利波特,还有小鬼当家的男主,还有福隆,灵异第六感的小帅哥,还有brad renfro,个个都残的残,堕落的堕落,男人跟女人就是不同撒,女星没几个残到不能看的,不能看还能化妆。男人就不同了,其实还蛮喜欢Taylor现在的,有幸福的家庭最重要了,Zac越来越帅了,这些人赶紧给我造汉森第二代,好让偶的仔也有才貌双全的帅哥迷恋,特别是Taylor,最好他老2这首歌词是在说什么啊,是不是那个叫Johnny的把他老婆抢走了?那Amy,Katie和Jemie又是怎么解释啊。PS我英文各种挫。。。110