21德州仪器TI官网代抢IC 料号佣金到位 每天稳定出单 懂行的大户 长期诚信合作
0slkor萨科微电源管理IC对标替换TI德州仪器、ON安森美、ST意法半导体、IR、MPS、Atmel、AMS等型号 slkor萨科微的电源管理IC萨科微线性稳压器SL4949,SOP-8替换ST意法半导体L4949 slkor萨科微的电源管理IC萨科微线性稳压器SL4275,TO-252替换IR的TLE4275 slkor萨科微的电源管理IC萨科微线性稳压器SL4275、SL4284,TO-252替换IR的TLE4275、TLE4284 slkor萨科微的电源管理IC萨科微线性稳压器SL54620RHLR替换TI德州仪器TPS54620RHLR slkor萨科微的电源管理IC萨科微线性稳压器SL6908D替换MPS的MP6908A s
0LDO线性稳压器 产品型号 工作电压(V) 输出电流 输出电压 (V) 静态功耗 纹波抑制比(1K Hz) 封装形式 规格书 FS6206 <6 300mA 1.2-5 8uA 60dB SOT23/SOT23-3/SOT89-3 FS9208 <6.5 250mA 0.9-5 5uA 55dB SOT23/SOT23-3/SOT89-3 FS9209 <6 300mA 1.2-5 70uA 70dB SOT23-3/SOT23-5/SOT353 FS9210 <6.5 500mA 1.2-5 70uA 75dB SOT23-5/DFN2*2-6/DFN1x1-4 FS9211 <18 400mA ADJ 60uA 60dB SOT23-5 FS9212 <18 400mA 1.2-5 60uA 60dB SOT23-3/SOT23-5/SOT89-3 FS9213 <6.5 800mA 1.5-5.6 80uA 60dB SOT89-5/SOT23-5/SOT89-3 FS71XX <18/<24/<32 100mA 1.2-5 3uA 50dB SO
5—————————————————— 深圳市尊信电子技术有限公司 谢星星女士:13168768845 wx:zunxin20210305 欢迎行业客户联系,获取datasheet、报价、样片等更多产品信息 —————————————————— 【方案】我们不但 麦芯片,还提供方案技术支持解放您的工程师,缩短开发周期免费提供样板测试; —————————————————— ETA5050 封装SOT23-5 输出电压可调,通用LDO,兼容LM3985/NCP114 ETA5070 封装SOT23-5/DFN1x1-4 超低功耗,手机/
0HOLTEK(合泰)稳压IC,电压监测器:稳压IC: HT71XX系列,HT73XX系列,HT75XX系列,HT77XX系列:30mA低功耗稳压芯片:HT7130, HT7133, HT7136, HT7144, HT7150,HT1015HT7121-1 HT7123-1 HT7125-1 HT7127-1 HT7130-1 HT7133-1 HT7144-1HT7150-1 HT71D02 HT71D04100mA低功耗稳压芯片:HT7530, HT7533, HT7536, HT7550,HT7544 HT7521-1HT7523-1 HT7525-1 HT7527-1 HT7530-1 HT7533-1 HT7536-1 HT7540-1HT7544-1 HT7550-1 HT7560-1 HT7570-1 HT7580-1 HT7590-1 HT75A0-1HT75C0-1 HT7521-2 HT7523-2 HT7525-2 HT7527-2 HT7530-2 HT7533-2HT7536-2 HT7540-2 HT7544-2 HT7550-2 HT7560-2 HT7570-2 HT7580-2HT7
0萨科微SLKOR半导体近年来发展迅速,推出LDO线性稳压器等新产品,SLKOR品牌LDO产品市场需求非常大,主要型号为SL系列的:AMS1117-3.3 SOT-223、AMS1117-3.3 SOT-89、AMS1117-5.0 SOT-223、AMS1117-5.0 SOT-89、AMS1117-ADJ SOT-223、LM317 TO-220、SL78L05 SOT-89、SL78L12 SOT-89等,应用于消费类电子产品等领域。萨科微SLKOR的二极管、三极管 、场效应MOS管、 IGBT管、可控硅 、肖特基快速管、三端稳压管、 电源管理IC系列可对标替换Nce新洁能、CJ长电长晶、FM富 满、SL士兰微、EL亿光,TOS东芝
6适用于智能手表,智能手环,智能穿戴设备。 ETA4016功能特点: 耐压20V,120mA充电电流,针对于小电流充,带NTC,截止小电流。兼容BQ25101 —————————————————— 深圳市尊信电子技术有限公司 谢星星女士:13168768845 wx:zunxin20210305 欢迎行业客户联系,获取datasheet、报价、样片等更多产品信息 —————————————————— 我们不但 麦芯片,还提供方案技术支持,解放您的工程师,缩短开发周期 免费提供样板测试—————
0ETA5050是一个500mA低噪声和快速瞬态响应线器调节器,可调输出电压和超低辍学电压。它的输出电压由电阻分压器编程,可低至0.8V,这满足最先进的集成电路,可能需要电源电压为0.9V-1.2V。ETA5050由精确的电压参考、误差放大器、补偿网络和低接通电阻功率P-MOSFET组成。它还集成了许多保护电路,如电流限制和超温保护模块。通用LDO,兼容LM3985/NCP114 ETA5055是一种低损耗(LDO)线性调压器,具有超高电源抑制比(PSRR)、超低静止电流、快速启动和优良的线路和负
0180KHz60V5A开关电流升压/升降压型DC-DC转换器XL6012 深圳百立信电子XL6012现货供应 5V到40V宽输入电压范围 1.25V输出电压采样电压 SW内置过压保护功能 百立信电子企业Q 3008910920 百立信电子电子元器件现货供应商 公司可开具17%增值税票 销售贴片二三极管 IC电容等系列产品 芯龙原装XL8002 XL6012 XL4012 XL4003 XL4005 XL4001 XL1410等系列IC
0深圳百立信电子现货供应RP110L301D-TR 封装 DFN1010-4 低压差稳压器IC 企业Q 3008910920 制造商: Ricoh Electronics 产品种类: 低压差稳压器 RoHS: 详细信息 安装风格: SMD/SMT 封装 / 箱体: DFN1010-4 输出电压: 3 V 输出电流: 150 mA 输出端数量: 1 Output 最大输入电压: 5.25 V 最小输入电压: 1.4 V 输出类型: Fixed 最小工作温度: - 40 C 最大工作温度: + 85 C 回动电压: 250 mV 系列: RP110L 封装: Reel 产品: LDO Voltage Regulators 类型: CMOS LDO Regulator 商标: Ricoh Electronic Devices Company 输出电压范围: - 电
0深圳百立信电子大量常备现货上海芯龙XL7035 XL7045降压电源IC 800/R 芯龙品牌:XL1410、XL1509、XL2576、XL1513、XL4001、XL4101、XL2005、XL2009、XL2010、 XL6001、XL6006、XL6007、XL6008、XL8001、XL5002、XL5003等系列 百立信电子常备库存 用到咨询百立信陈小姐企业Q3008910920
0专业提供各种专用LDO芯片以及各种普通LDO 各种电压输入超低静态功耗LDO: 高电压输入Vin:5V/7V/10V/15V/18V/30V/32V/40V, 超低静态功耗Iq:300nA/500nA/1uA/1.2uA/1.4uA/1.5uA/1.6uA/2uA/3uA 各种封装:DFN1*1-4L(超小封装), DFN1.5*1.5,DFN2*2,SOT23,SOT23-5,SOT89,SOT89-5 支持电流:120mA/300mA/500mA/700mA/1A 输出电压:0.9V/1.1V/1.2V/1.5V/1.8V/1.9V/2.1V/2.5V/2.8V/3.3V/3.6V 高精度,高PSRR LDO 等。 联系方式:微信:VX550474923, QQ:550474923, 邮箱550474923@qq.com
0深圳市尊信电子技术有限公司 谢星星女士:13168768845 wx:zunxin20210305 欢迎行业客户联系,获取datasheet、报价、样片等更多产品信息 尊信电子钰泰DC -DC降压芯片集合: >>> ETA1466 封装SOT23-6 输入电压范围4.5~ 18 ;输出电压 0.806 ;电流2A 快速响应,COT控制,兼容MP1470/ETA1470/TPS562201/ETA1478 >>> ETA1477 封装SOT23-6 输入电压范围4.5 ~ 24 ;输出电压 0.768; 电流2A 轻载高效,通用降压,兼容TPS562200/TPS562201 >>> ETA1652 封装SOT563 输入电压范围4.5 ~ 18; 输
0蓝13342917355 ETA7008 关注点:耐压36V, 电流4A,快速响应100ns ,低侧压(切负端),封装DFN2*2-6,SOT23-6 ETA7014 关注点:耐压36V, 电流4A,快速响应100ns,高侧压(切正端),封装SOT23-6 ETA4054,40543(4.35V) 关注点:耐压20V,线性800mA充 SOT23-5封装,简单经济(可替代市面常用的4054)
0降压芯片ETA3426、SOT23-5/DFN2*2-62.6V-7V降到1.12V-Vin,输出电流1.2A,超低功耗1uA,(pin to pin ETA3425)尊信电子:蓝小姐133-4291-7355 (LY41431) 欢迎行业客户联系,获取datasheet、报价、规格书、样片等更多产品信息
0毕业设计 有人做吗
0LDO即low dropout regulator,是一种低压差线性稳压器。这是相对于传统的线性稳压器来说的。传统的线性稳压器,如78XX系列的芯片都要求输入电压要比输出电压至少高出2V~3V,否则就不能正常工作。但是在一些情况下,这样的条件显然是太苛刻了,如5V转3.3V,输入与输出之间的压差只有1.7v,显然这是不满足传统线性稳压器的工作条件的。针对这种情况,芯片制造商们才研发出了LDO类的电压转换芯片。
0丝印N1IF 无感升压IC 内置电感 内置电感3.3V输出升压IC HU3031D HU3031D 是一款低噪声,1.2MHz 固定频率的电容式电压倍增器。如果负载电流小于 45mA 时,轻负载模式将会启动。HU3031D-3.3 最小只需 1.8V 的输入电压(2 节碱性电池)即可提供 3.3V 的固定输出。 HU3031D 有恒频率运行在各负载等级的特征。内置的软启动电路可防止启动时的电流过冲。热关机和电流限制电路可以让芯片避免从 VOUT 至地的短路。 高开关频率的使用最大限度的缩小了芯片的面积,
2LDO资料 深圳市航誉微电子LDO选型表 样品 135¥6075@0180 LDO正电压调整器(可用低ESR电容) HU6206系列是一款高精度,低功耗,3引脚LDO高电压调整器芯片,并采用 CMOS工艺和激光微调技术. 在输出电流较大的情况下,输入输出压差也能很小。 HU6206系列芯片内部包括一个电流限制电路,一个驱动三极管,一个高精度参考电压源和一个误差校正电路。 HU6206系列可使用低ESR陶瓷电容.电流限制器的foldback电路可为电流限制器和输出引脚提供短路保护。通过激光微调技术,可设定
0The MST43XXA series is a high input voltage (40V), low quiescent current, High PSRR linear regulator (LDO) able to provide 150mA load current. The LDO features very fast response against line voltage transient and load current transient, and ensures no overshoot voltage during the LDO start up and short circuit recovery. The device features integrated short-circuit and thermal shutdown protection. The device is available with fixed output voltages of 3.0V, 3.3V, 3.6V and 5.0V, and available in SOT23 and SOT89 packages. Application Ø Battery-powered equipment Ø Smoke detector and sensor Ø Mi
0高输入电压(60V),低静止电流,MST56XXB The MST56XXB series is a high input voltage (60V), low quiescent current, High PSRR linear regulator (LDO) able to provide 150mA load current. The LDO features very fast response against line voltage transient and load current transient, and ensures no overshoot voltage during the LDO start up and short circuit recovery. The device features integrated short-circuit and thermal shutdown protection. The device is available with fixed output voltages of 3.0V, 3.3V, 3.6V and 5.0V, and available in SOT23 and SOT89 packages Applicatio Ø Battery-
0The MST56XXB series is a high input voltage (60V), low quiescent current, High PSRR linear regulator (LDO) able to provide 150mA load current. The LDO features very fast response against line voltage transient and load current transient, and ensures no overshoot voltage during the LDO start up and short circuit recovery. The device features integrated short-circuit and thermal shutdown protection. The device is available with fixed output voltages of 3.0V, 3.3V, 3.6V and 5.0V, and available in SOT23 and SOT89 packages. Application Ø Battery-powered equipment Ø Smoke detector and sensor Ø Mi
045V输入电压,2.1uA静止电流,线性调节器( LDO )MST54XXB The MST54XXB series is a high input voltage (45V), low quiescent current (2.1uA), low-dropout linear regulator (LDO) able to provide 300mA load current. The MST54XXB family LDO offers EN pin to enable and disable the LDO output, EN pin can take 45V input voltage. The LDO features very fast response against line voltage transient and load current transient, and ensures no overshoot voltage during the LDO start up and short circuit recovery. The device features integrated short-circuit and thermal shutdown protection. The d
0高电压超低功耗低压差电压调节器 MST53XXB系列芯片 The MST53XXB series is a high voltage ,ultralow-power, low dropout voltage regulator. (MST53XXB系列是一个高电压,超低功耗,低压差电压调节器。) Thedevice can deliver 100mA output current with adropout voltage of 300mV and allows an inputvoltage as high as 35V. (该系列芯片输出电流100mA,输出电压300mV,输入电压35V。) The typical quiescent current is only 1.6µA. (典型的静态电流只有1.6µa。) The device is available in fixed outputvoltages of 1.8, 2.5, 3.0, 3.3, 3.6, 4
0高输入电压(60V),低静止电流,MST56XXB The MST56XXB series is a high input voltage (60V), low quiescent current, High PSRR linear regulator (LDO) able to provide 150mA load current. The LDO features very fast response against line voltage transient and load current transient, and ensures no overshoot voltage during the LDO start up and short circuit recovery. The device features integrated short-circuit and thermal shutdown protection. The device is available with fixed output voltages of 3.0V, 3.3V, 3.6V and 5.0V, and available in SOT23 and SOT89 packages Applicatio Ø Battery-
0高电压超低功耗低压差电压调节器 MST53XXB系列芯片 The MST53XXB series is a high voltage ,ultralow-power, low dropout voltage regulator. (MST53XXB系列是一个高电压,超低功耗,低压差电压调节器。) Thedevice can deliver 100mA output current with adropout voltage of 300mV and allows an inputvoltage as high as 35V. (该系列芯片输出电流100mA,输出电压300mV,输入电压35V。) The typical quiescent current is only 1.6µA. (典型的静态电流只有1.6µa。) The device is available in fixed outputvoltages of 1.8, 2.5, 3.0, 3.3, 3.6, 4
0高输入电压(40V)、低静电流、超高精度、高 PSRR ( LDO )MST43XX The MST43XXA series is a high input voltage (40V), low quiescent current, High PSRR linear regulator (LDO) able to provide 150mA load current. The LDO features very fast response against line voltage transient and load current transient, and ensures no overshoot voltage during the LDO start up and short circuit recovery. The device features integrated short-circuit and thermal shutdown protection. The device is available with fixed output voltages of 3.0V, 3.3V, 3.6V and 5.0V, and available in SOT23 and SOT89 packages
045V输入电压,2.1uA静止电流,线性调节器( LDO )MST54XXB The MST54XXB series is a high input voltage (45V), low quiescent current (2.1uA), low-dropout linear regulator (LDO) able to provide 300mA load current. The MST54XXB family LDO offers EN pin to enable and disable the LDO output, EN pin can take 45V input voltage. The LDO features very fast response against line voltage transient and load current transient, and ensures no overshoot voltage during the LDO start up and short circuit recovery. The device features integrated short-circuit and thermal shutdown protection. The d