518有没有小伙伴一起练的啊,从今年过年开始了解认识J神,就深深迷恋上了J神,玩小U几个月,倍感亚历山大,求吧里大神老司机们带带啊1买了谱子然而发现是根据现场扒的想听下现场版可以和谱子对上。 itunes上美服要12美元。大家有没有其他的渠道50【Jake神】◇10-25◆〖新闻〗新专 新专!03Jake Shimabukuro j神的名字该怎么发音2124为嘛就没人翻弹发谱什么的450哪位大哥大姐有没有 JACK弹的BODYSURFING版本!求谱谢谢51641比那个jake吧活跃哎2326410-28 问题咨询 喜欢Jake的人是不是审美都不错... 比如在选对象的时候眼光也会比一些人好很多....47吧里第一贴201亲爱的各位吧友:欢迎来到jake_shimabukuro10I always want to improve my craft and learn new stuff. Sometimes it’s frustrating, because it’s always hard to come up with new ideas. Honestly, though, I don’t know if anything I do is truly a new idea, because someone or something influences it all, it’s all coming from somewhere. As a musician, or any kind of artist, you have to expose yourself to as many things as you can, and then you interpret that in your own way. - Jake 我一直想让自己的作品更好,同时学一些新的事物!有时候很捉急,要想出一些新的花样真的很难,说真的,有时候想出1100312要不要。。