1各位大佬,给门轴上油的时候顺手在闭门器那加了点缝纫机油(润滑用),然后闭门器失效了,现在门打开不扶都是重重关上,这怎么搞 查了后才知道那是闭门器,一般上的增加摩擦力的油
015Screen and Storm Door Closer Kit Supplier Hello I am Mr. Huang, a Screen and Storm Door Closer Kit manufacturer from China. We have been manufacturing Screen and Storm Door Closer Kit for 10 years and have good technology and consistent quality. We hope to have the opportunity to work with your company. Thank you! Sales Manager:Mr. Huang Foshan Gaoming Hardware Products Co., Ltd. *************************************************** ADD:Xiangchuan Industrial Zone, Yanghe Town, Gaoming District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, zip code: 528500 TEL: +8613535667860 FAX:0757-88808682 WECHAT/Wha0有谁会算闭门器弹簧力跟开门力的关系1pneumatic door closer supplier Hello I am Mr. Huang, a pneumatic door closer manufacturer from China. We have been manufacturing pneumatic door closers for 10 years and have good technology and consistent quality. We hope to have the opportunity to work with your company. Thank you! Sales Manager:Mr. Huang Foshan Gaoming Hardware Products Co., Ltd. *************************************************** ADD:Xiangchuan Industrial Zone, Yanghe Town, Gaoming District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, zip code: 528500 TEL: +8613535667860 FAX:0757-88808682 WECHAT:hgg8571291 WhatsApp:+8613535667862pneumatic door closer supplier Hello I am Mr. Huang, a pneumatic door closer manufacturer from China. We have been manufacturing pneumatic door closers for 10 years and have good technology and consistent quality. We hope to have the opportunity to work with your company. Thank you! Sales Manager:Mr. Huang Foshan Gaoming Hardware Products Co., Ltd. *************************************************** ADD:Xiangchuan Industrial Zone, Yanghe Town, Gaoming District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, zip code: 528500 TEL: 13535667860 FAX:0757-88808682 WECHAT: hgg8571291 E-MAIL: hgg_8571291@hotmai2pneumatic door closer supplier Hello I am Mr. Huang, a pneumatic door closer manufacturer from China. We have been manufacturing pneumatic door closers for 10 years and have good technology and consistent quality. We hope to have the opportunity to work with your company. Thank you! Sales Manager:Mr. Huang Foshan Gaoming Hardware Products Co., Ltd. *************************************************** ADD:Xiangchuan Industrial Zone, Yanghe Town, Gaoming District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, zip code: 528500 TEL: 13535667860 FAX:0757-88808682 WECHAT: hgg8571291 E-MAIL: hgg_8571291@hotma3pneumatic door closer supplier Hello I am Mr. Huang, a pneumatic door closer manufacturer from China. We have been manufacturing pneumatic door closers for 10 years and have good technology and consistent quality. We hope to have the opportunity to work with your company. Thank you! Sales Manager:Mr. Huang Foshan Gaoming Hardware Products Co., Ltd. *************************************************** ADD:Xiangchuan Industrial Zone, Yanghe Town, Gaoming District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, zip code: 528500 TEL: +8613535667860 FAX:0757-88808682 WECHAT/WhatsApp:+8613535667860 E-MAIL: hg4请教各位大神,闭门器要加什么油,要多少油加进去234203型 号:SA-BM65/85/120/180 适用门重(国标):40-180KG 电气参数:DC24V,0.08A 信号反馈:有 推、拉面安装:有 可控制门角度:0~150° 检验报告:有0ADITECH GmbH创建于1992年,总部位于德国图林根,是一家气压弹簧、闭门器、窗户配件、构件以及门阻尼器的制造商。如今随着经验和技术的增长ADITECH推动了与欧洲及海外贸易。重点是生产及分销闭门器和阻尼器,在的产品范围内,也增加了电梯配件,气弹簧。产品的开发也在与时俱进。 产品范围: 德国ADITECH气压弹簧、ADITECH、ADITECH 闭门器、ADITECH阻尼器、ADITECH摩擦阻尼器 主要型号: V2系列 V4系列 EDH ZDH 到秦皇岛维克托了解2Screen and Storm Door Closer Kit Supplier Hello I am Mr. Huang, a Screen and Storm Door Closer Kit manufacturer from China. We have been manufacturing Screen and Storm Door Closer Kit for 10 years and have good technology and consistent quality. We hope to have the opportunity to work with your company. Thank you! Sales Manager:Mr. Huang Foshan Gaoming Hardware Products Co., Ltd. *************************************************** ADD:Xiangchuan Industrial Zone, Yanghe Town, Gaoming District, Foshan City, Guangdong Province, zip code: 528500 TEL: +8613535667860 FAX:0757-88808682 WECHAT/Wha00有意者欢迎留言0有没有宿舍里不用打孔的,不用上钉子的,像免钉胶固定的,带阻尼的闭门器,这样摔门都摔不了5欢迎进群交流4有做闭门器的厂家吗,我们是实体店,想找厂家长期给我们供货, 我们是新开的实体店的联系我153787713621西安物资回收18966913269电线电缆、铁、铜、铝、铜线、铝线、铜板、铝板、钢板、钢管、钢筋,、钢筋头、角铁、网线、不锈钢、铝合金、铜铝铁、LED铝、生铝、金属下脚料,刹车盘,钢圈,轮毂,水箱,下摆臂,阀门,水龙头,闭门器,地弹簧,光纤猫,路由器,空调。长期向各企事业单位以高价现金上门回收各种废旧物资。为了节省贵公司的时间与金钱,本公司竭诚为各单位提供、快速、高效、热情周到的服务。将闲置的物资动起来,变废为宝,取22做闭门器缺客户的可以联系哦 xzzql6662低价出售全新的1883定位型闭门器和顺序器0陕西再生资源回收15389000590电线电缆,铁,铜,铝,铜线,铝线,铜板,铝板,钢板,钢管,钢筋, 钢筋头,角铁,网线,不锈钢,铝合金,铜铝铁,LED铝,生铝,金属下脚料上门回收,对照市场的时价,给顾客一个合理的评估,追求公道,以求长远的合作......电话预约,上门收购!凭借着热情周到的服务,得以迅速发展,诚信合作以求双赢。让闲置的物资动起来,变废为宝,取之于民,用之于民;随着业务的不断发展和壮大,合作伙伴的范围也在进一步扩大;我们热忱的期待1610000000