关注: 815 贴子: 1,867

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    虽然好像有几个翻译版本了……这歌还是想自己翻一下试试,有错误的地方欢迎指出 威尔士语部分参照的http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4172524317的英文翻译重新翻译而得,感谢威尔士语大神的考据
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    Imaginaerum: 2楼:Taikatalvi 3楼:Storytime 4楼:Ghost River 5楼:Slow, Love, Slow 6楼:I Want My Tears Back 7楼:Scaretale 8楼:Arabesque 9楼:Turn Loose the Mermaids 10楼:Rest Calm 11楼:The Crow, the Owl and the Dove 12楼:Last Ride of the Day 13楼:Song of Myself 14楼:Imaginaerum
    IknowST 2-28
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    Last Ride of the Day 最后一程 We live in every moment but this one 我们生活在过去和未来,而不是现在 Why don't we recognise the faces loving us so 为何认不出那些如此深爱着我们的面庞 What's God if not the spark that started life 上帝是什么?难道不是那点燃了生命的火花吗? Smile of a stranger (或)陌生人的微笑 Sweet music, starry skies 甜美的音乐,灿烂的星空? Wonder, mystery, wherever my road goes 无论我的路通向何方,是奇观还是秘境 Early wake-ups in a moving home 四海为家,总是早早醒来 scen
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    Baptized with a perfect name 以完美的名字受洗礼 The doubting one by heart 心中的疑虑 Alone without himself 唯独他没有 War between hi
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    先说一些东西吧。 大家好这里是翻译新手Alex。(笑) 一直以来我都很喜欢Nightwish的歌,尤其是Thomas写的长曲(对听惯古典音乐的我来说10分钟以上的已经不算很长了),平时手痒也想翻点歌词。在吧里潜了有段日子了,一直觉得TPATP的歌词翻译感觉怪怪的,所以干脆自己“丰衣足食”重新翻译了下来。由于是初次翻译,有不足之处请多多谅解,还望各位能及时指出。 就到这里。
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    等风起 7-11
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    My harvest will come 我的丰收将至 A tiny valorous straw 无畏的小小麦秆 Among the millions 于千万同类之中 Facing to the sun 面朝阳光 I will pause before a man 我将在人前停下 Whose path has just begun 而他们的道路才刚开始 Something unsung our way comes 湮没的某物正在前来 The quarternary code 第四纪的编码 Gave mankind a rose 带来人类的崛起 So we could see the beautiful die 因而我们得见美丽的消逝 The strange peace of storm 风暴前夕诡谲的宁静 Hovers over crops 盘踞于麦田之上 And a child`s face aglow before the
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    【现代文版】 Élan 锐气 Leave the sleep and let the springtime talk In tongues from the time before man 自梦中醒来 让春天以时不待人的口吻细诉 Listen to a daffodil tell her tale 听水仙讲述自己的故事 Let the guest in, walk out, be the first to greet the morn 让宾友前来,出去迎接破晓 The meadows of heaven await harvest 伊甸草原静候丰收 The cliffs unjumped, cold waters untouched 山崖未被跨越 幽泉未被扰动 The elsewhere creatures yet unseen 异兽未被发现 Finally your number came up, free fall awaits the brave 最终人齐
    WCG1010 11-6
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    Dark Passion Play: 2楼:The Poet And The Pendulum 3楼:Bye Bye Beautiful 4楼:Amaranth 5楼:Cadence Of Her Last Breath 6楼:Master Passion Greed 7楼:Eva 8楼:Sahara 9楼:Whoever Brings The Night 10楼:For The Heart I Once Had 11楼:The Islander 12楼:Last Of The Wilds 13楼:7 Days To The Wolves 14楼:Meadows Of Heaven Bonus of 《Dark Passion Play》: 15楼:Eramaan viimeinen 16楼:The Escapist 17楼:While Your Lips Are Still Red
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    I want my tears back 愿吾泪归 translated by 轩辕采薇 The treetops, the chimneys, the snowbed stories, winter grey 乔乔树冠,黧黧烟路。往事如雪,冬之苍霜。 Wildflowers, those meadows of heaven, wind in the wheat 野之芳华,天芩绿地。仲夏之风,轻拂麦地。 A railroad across waters, the scent of grandfatherly love 俨俨铁路,浅泽上贯。祖父之爱,哲哲其馨。 Blue bayous, Decembers, moon through a dragonfly's wings 青碧之潭,仲寒之月。泛泛月光,映于蜉翼。 Where is the wonder where's the awe 昔日之奇,不知所踪
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    接到用户举报,经核实吧主 11xiyuan 长期未对贴吧进行管理及发言,无法在建设 夜愿歌词 吧内容上、言论导向上发挥应有的模范带头作用,严重违反吧主协议,故撤销其吧主管理权限。如对此项决议有异议,请至贴吧反馈中心进行申诉,链接 http://tieba.baidu.com/hermes/feedback 百度贴吧管理组
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    emmm这里萌新译的I Want My Tears Back
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    Scaretale/惊惧之旅 translated by 轩辕采薇 Once upon a time in a daymare 曾有白日的梦魇, Dying to meet you, little child, enter enter this sideshow 等不及去见到你了,稚子,加入这场杂耍吧 Time for bed the cradle still rocks 歇息的时间到了,摇篮依旧晃动 13 chimes on a dead man's clock, 逝者的钟响了十三下 Tick-tock, tick-tock, tick-tock 嘀嗒不停的韵律 The bride will lure you, cook you, eat you 那新嫁娘将要引诱你,烹煮你,撕吞你 Your dear innocence boiled to feed the evil in need of fear 由于无法摆脱的恐惧
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    重发一遍存档,之前NW吧发的是初版(http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4321134559),这一版本是跟着现场字幕汉化时校对后的版本(http://tieba.baidu.com/p/4388458523) NW官网一角截图镇楼,来自The Greatest Show on Earth第五乐章,引用的达尔文《物种起源》的一段话。
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    Century Child: 2楼: Bless The Child 3楼: End Of All Hope 4楼: Dead To The World 5楼: Ever Dream 6楼: Slaying The Dreamer 7楼: Forever Yours 8楼: Ocean Soul 9楼: Feel For You 10楼:The Phantom Of The Opera 11楼: Beauty Of The Beast
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    Ever felt away with me Just once that all I need Entwined in finding you one day Ever felt away without me My love, it lies so deep Ever dream of me Would you do it with me Heal the scars and change the stars Would you do it for me Turn loose the heaven within I'd take you away Castaway on a lonely day Bosom for a teary cheek My song can but borrow your grace Come out, come out wherever you are So lost in your sea Give in, give in for my touch For my taste for my lust Your beauty cascaded on me In this white night fantasy "All I ever craved
    0pda0 9-17
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    我记得这里没发? Alpenglow Once upon a time a song was heard 上古之际 生命音符奏起 Giving birth to a child of earth and verse 大地之子伴着诗韵降临 * Together we slay another fright 我们将恐惧一个个征服 Every Jubjub bird, spooks of the past 诡音之鸦,昔日幽灵 Close your eyes and take a peek 闭上双眼,用心灵洞悉 The truth is easy to see 真理,如此清晰 # We were here Roaming on the endless prairie 我们曾一起驰骋在无垠草场 Writing an endless story 书写无尽的生命篇章 Building a Walden of our own 于心灵湖畔搭
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    Sleep Eden sleep 沉睡吧伊甸园 My fallen son 沉睡吧我天堂的孩子(这里fallen是翻译成死去吧?) Slumber in peace 在安宁中沉睡 Cease the pain 终止这痛楚 Life`s just in vain 生命不过是无意义的 For us to gain 我们所获得的 Nothing but all the same 除了重复一无所有 (前面三句语序翻译过来有点问题,但是连成一行又太长看起来不方便。 译为:我们的生命不过是在徒劳中将一切反复。貌似意译的过头了,不知道理解的对不对) No healing hand 没有圣医之手 For
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    Tear me to bits enjoy the scene Of screen name verbal vanity 将我撕碎,享受这表达虚荣的场景 Churning the words imbued in filth 搅动污秽的言辞 Your tongue oily water under my bridge 你的口舌如同我桥下油腻的浊流 You have the world, it’s all for you 你拥有世界,这全属于你 I wish you’d find the lost in you 但愿你已找回失落 Grateful for the pain, it proves we’realive 感谢苦楚证明我们一息尚存 Can you feel it 你能感受到吗 I can’t make you want the truth 我不能让你得知真相 It’s up to you 全凭于你 Yours is a
    夜怨 5-1
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    http://tieba.baidu.com/f?kw=marcohietala&fr=home&fp=0&am 戳此链接可带您直接穿越 【图片】
    鹤HN 5-1
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    2楼:Over The Hills And Far Away 3楼: 10th Man Down 4楼: Away 5楼: Astral Romance (2001)
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    A old man by a seashore 一位老人坐在海岸边 At the end of day 在一天的末尾 Gazes the horizon 凝视着地平线 With seawind in his face 他脸上的海风 Tempest-tossed island 被暴风雨摇晃的小岛 Seasons all the same 四季都是如此 Anchorage unpainted 纯洁的隐士 And a ship without a name 还有一艘没有名字的船 Sea without a shore for the banished one unheard 海因未知的放逐者而无岸 He lightensthe beacon,light at the end of the world 他点亮灯塔,照亮世界的尽头 Showing the way lighting hope in their hearts 显现
    lareysmile 3-20
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    提问前请确定你已经为此问题绞尽脑汁且得不出一个完美的答案。 有意见尽管提 吧主一定会认真对待每一个意见。 PS.这不是水楼!
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    感谢原翻译者@Mr_wonder LRC制作@110终结者
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    ZooeyW 2012-09
    附托歌简短评注 Taikatalvi 这个世界就是我们想象力的画布 芬兰语 Lapsistain rakkain tää näyttämö on Mis kuut
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    2楼——【本吧简介】       3楼——【本吧吧规&水贴&吧史】   4楼——【歌词汇总】
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    I climbed off your back Not so long ago 并不久远的从前,我从你的背上爬下 To a blooming meadow 来到盛放的草原 To a path you’d made for the lightest feet 来到那条你为轻巧脚步而设的路上 *Mother 母亲 I am always close to you 我总是与你亲厚 I will be waiving every time you leave 每次别离我都仿若被弃 Oh, I am you 我如同你 The care, the love, the memories 关怀、爱意与记忆 We are the story of one 我们是故事之一 Father 父亲 I am always close to you 我总是与你亲厚 I will be waiving every time you leave 每次别离我
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    Sain y niwl, Gaunt y goydwig fwsog, Gwenithfaen, cen y coed, a'r lleuad, Un gway f'adenydd I dapestri bywyd (这段鬼有待查阅资料) Light shines bright beyond all the citiesof gold 泛金的城市彼端亮光闪烁 On a road of birdsong and chocolate shops Of buskers, jugglers, innkeeper`s welcomingcall 在充满鸟鸣声、糖果店、卖艺人、杂耍人和旅店招呼声的路上 The sound of mist, smell of moss-grownwoods 迷雾的声音,林间长满青苔的气息 *Weaving my wings from many-colored yarns 彩色的丝线编织的我双翼 Flying higher, higher, higher
    110终结者 10-18
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    2008-1-9 一个把Nightwish歌词的翻译全部汇总的念头出现在落叶的脑子里。 2008-1-10 落叶再三考虑,并实地考察了一下。 2008-1-11 落叶申请创
    Lin_or_Arn 6-27
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    A kite above a grey yard grave, at the end of the line far far away 灰蒙长空 岑寂陵园 隐隐长线 孤飞纸鸢 A child holding on to the magic of birth and awe 纯纯稚童 嬉笑梦幻翩跹 Oh how beautiful it used to be, just you and me far beyond the sea 忆往昔岁月湉湉 与子执手 邂逅丝丝缱绻 The water scarce in motion, quivering still 流水静谧 命息悄然动跃 At the end of the river the sundown beams 极尽海平线 残阳如血 All the relics of a life long live 风霜残迹随海潮湮灭 Here weary traveller rest your wand 此地 羁旅者 足迹停歇
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    Oceanborn: 2楼: Stargazers 3楼: Gethsemane 4楼: Devil & The Deep Dark Ocean 5楼: Sacrament Of Wilderness 6楼: Passion And The Oper
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    “The deepest solace lies in understanding, 最深的慰藉源于理解 This ancient unseen stream, 这股亘古未现的水流 A shudder before the beautiful.” 在至美面前的一个颤栗 Awake, oceanborn 醒来,海洋之子 Behold this force 把握住这股力量 Bring the outside in 纳百川 Explore the self to epiphany 探索自我乃至顿悟 *The very core of life 生命的绝对核心 The soaring high of truth and light 是真理与光芒的高翔 The music of this awe 这份惊叹的乐章 Deep silence between the notes 音符之间的岑寂 Deafens me with endless love 以无
    lareysmile 22:35
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    夜丨愿 9-4
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    A lonely bard wandering across the lands am I Singing dancing finding answers to every why The taverns are full and one crosses my
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    This is the end of all hope To lose the child, the faith To end all the innocence To be someone like me This is the birth of al

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会员: 路人

目录: 摇滚
